Library Blog

Reader’s Advisory: Choosing Books for a Book Discussion

Posted by GtownCommLib on  August 23, 2023
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Are you the lucky person who gets to pick the next book for your group to discuss? Feeling a little pressured? Here are some tips and suggestions that can help make the decision a little easier.  Start by considering the needs of the individuals in your group. Does anyone need large print or an audio version? No matter how great the book, if someone can’t participate because it’s not available in the format they need,

Top Circulations of 2022!

Posted by GtownCommLib on  February 7, 2023
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Another great year of reading, watching, and learning at the Germantown Community Library! Did you read any of the top circulating books?

Reader’s Advisory

Posted by GtownCommLib on  January 13, 2023
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Are you looking to read more, read “better”, or read something “different”? Do you ever feel clueless when you’re trying to find something to read? Does it seem like you keep seeing the same book, different title over and over? No surprises there, 80% of the US book market is published by just five companies! If a title does well, they will print many, many versions of it in the future. How many versions of


Posted by GtownCommLib on  December 13, 2022
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Of all the months, December is probably the one with the most traditions. One you may not have heard of gets my vote for the best possible holiday tradition of all: in Iceland, people celebrate Christmas with a tradition called Jolabokaflod, which translates to “Christmas book flood” in English. Jolabokaflod began in World War II, when almost everything was rationed. However, paper was not rationed.  Since there were no limits on books, that became the

6 things we can guarantee at our Yule Ball (and 6 things we cannot)

Posted by GtownCommLib on  November 8, 2022
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Category: Programs, Staff Writer
If you’ve read or seen Harry Potter then yule know what a Yule Ball entails. We’re throwing our own Yule Ball on December 10th from 5:30pm-8:00pm. There will be snacks, games, music, and other magical festivities! Register here! All ages 8+ welcome! Here’s a list of things we CAN and CANNOT guarantee at our Yule Ball. We CAN guarantee fancy outfits! Come dressed to the nines! We CANNOT guarantee that all of them will be