If you’ve read or seen Harry Potter then yule know what a Yule Ball entails. We’re throwing our own Yule Ball on December 10th from 5:30pm-8:00pm. There will be snacks, games, music, and other magical festivities!

Register here! All ages 8+ welcome!
Here’s a list of things we CAN and CANNOT guarantee at our Yule Ball.
- We CAN guarantee fancy outfits! Come dressed to the nines!

We CANNOT guarantee that all of them will be fashion forward.

2. We can guarantee winter décor! Lights, snow, action!

We cannot guarantee that it will actually be snowing.
Wisconsin weather is weird.
3. We CAN guarantee live music!

The wizard rock lead Tonks and the Auror’s will be attending!
We CANNOT, however, guarantee crowd surfing.
(In fact, we’re gonna outright say that’s not happening.)

4. We can guarantee dancing!

We CANNOT guarantee that it won’t be awkward.

5. We can guarantee snacks!

We cannot guarantee that they won’t be stolen by a kid in an invisibility cloak.

6. We can guarantee a good time!

We CANNOT guarantee that Draco Malfoy will be in attendance, sorry.
Or you’re welcome, depending.

If you’re a fan of winter, magic, and music, come celebrate the yuletide at our Yule Ball! Registration is open!