Library Blog

What We Read in 2023

Posted by GtownCommLib on  February 23, 2024
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The Germantown Community Library staff read some terrific books in 2023, and we want to share our favorites with you. Not everything on this list was published in 2023 – there’s always something we’ve been meaning to read for ages and finally got around to (sound familiar?).And just like you, sometimes we put the book down to watch or listen to something, so we’veincluded those favorites as well. When you’re looking for ideas, don’t forget

In Defense of Horror Films

Posted by GtownCommLib on  October 23, 2023
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Category: Staff Writer
Horror: it is a genre much bemoaned by the critics and some people only consider it in the realm for sick and twisted people, other than exceptions within the genre which have been nominated for Oscars, which are said to elevate the genre. I completely understand the reservations about horror films, they are not for the faint of heart and the subject matter is upsetting to many people. However, in horror’s defense, horror has been

Comics Aren’t Just for Kids: Adult Graphic Novels And You!

Posted by GtownCommLib on  October 10, 2023
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Welcome to the wonderful world of adult graphic novels! Maybe you’ve heard that graphic novels “aren’t real books” or are “for kids”. Well, as an adult, I’m here to dispel some rumors. First off, there are graphic novels for kids, just like there are cartoons for kids. In that same vein, there are graphic novels for adults! Just like I wouldn’t show a child Attack on Titan or The Simpsons. Or Archer. Sometimes (a lot

Reader’s Advisory: Choosing Books for a Book Discussion

Posted by GtownCommLib on  August 23, 2023
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Are you the lucky person who gets to pick the next book for your group to discuss? Feeling a little pressured? Here are some tips and suggestions that can help make the decision a little easier.  Start by considering the needs of the individuals in your group. Does anyone need large print or an audio version? No matter how great the book, if someone can’t participate because it’s not available in the format they need,

Top Circulations of 2022!

Posted by GtownCommLib on  February 7, 2023
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Another great year of reading, watching, and learning at the Germantown Community Library! Did you read any of the top circulating books?